• Here we go, the first of 7 events in the 2022 Chicago Cyclocross Cup. Please excuse any hiccups as we clear out the cobwebs and get back to business from 2019.
  • Did you hear the event is in SCHILLER WOODS Picnic Grove #12? Do NOT go to Caldwell Woods, or you’ll be late to your race!
  • We know its been chilly recently, but please plan on bringing as much water as you think you’ll need for the day… and then some. Though there are water pumps available in the park, they are not especially close or convenient to the courseโ€ฆ although the course is across the street from a water pump famous enough to have a it’s very own wikipedia page. Drink at your own risk before racing!
  • Similarly – please plan to bringing enough food (and beer) to last through the day, as there will NOT be a food truck on premises. The Forest Preserve also requests (demands) that no alcohol is consumed within 50 feet of the parking lot. So bring your long tape measures.
  • For anyone looking to register same-day… don’t. Please pre-reg on BikeReg.com. Thanks to everyone who has done so already! If for some reason you can’t find a working Internet connection to BikeReg… please bring exact change to the venue or be prepared to pay electronically via PayPal/Zelle to payments@xxxracing.org.
  • Bonus reminder, only those pre-reg’d on BikeReg will be staged by their CrossResults.com points.
  • At the request of the ladies for more competition, the front row of the Single Speed race will be split half & half women and men.
  • And finally… as this is a new venue for everyone, the finer details of course route, length, etc. are still being ironed out. Just point your Garmin, TomTom, GoogleMaps, dowsing rods, etc. to Schiller Woods Picnic Grove #12 Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60634 and listen for Kenny’s voice when you get close.
  • Let’s race hard and have fun!